

Postgrad Supervision

Completed Ph.D. Theses




Nicholas Morieson(Australian Catholic University, ACU)
Religion and Right-Wing Populism in Western Europe


Main: Dr. Irfan Ahmad (2014-2017)
Mahsheed Ansari (Monash University)
The rational and metaphysical notions of prophethood and the Prophet Muhammad in the thought of Said Nursi and Muhammad Iqbal


Associate: Dr. Irfan Ahmad
Ayse Guc (ACU)
Socio-Anthropological Analysis of Intercultural Dialogue, Merdin
Associate: Dr. Irfan Ahmad
Amrah Abdul Majid (Monash University)
The practice of faith and personal growth in three novels by Muslim women writers in the Western diaspora
Associate: Dr. Irfan Ahmad

Unfinished Ph.D. Theses at Monash University




Kim Chan Contrasts in Development: China and India, 1950 – 1980 Main: Dr. Irfan Ahmad
Usep A. Matin The Use of Hadith Literature by Traditional Islamic Intellectuals in Indonesia Associate: Dr. Irfan Ahmad
Michele Huppert Religious Fundamentalisms in the 21st Century: Solutions to the Problems of Identity in a Globalised World? Co-Supervisor: Dr. Irfan Ahmad
Cemen Polat The Gulen Movement’s Educational Philanthropy: Schools as Social Business Enterprises Co-Supervisor: Dr. Irfan Ahmad
MR Mark Stone Neither Shall They Grieve: A Study of the Spiritual Basis of Islamic Pluralism Associate: Dr. Irfan Ahmad

Completed Masters Theses at Monash University

Completed Masters Theses at Monash University




Trevor Walsh  Yoga In Melbourne! How is This Possible?  Main: Dr. Irfan Ahmad
Haybatullah M. Abouzeid An Analytical Approach to the Thought and Ideology of B. Lewis and John Esposito Associate: Dr. Irfan Ahmad

Completed Honours and MA Dissertations at Monash University

Completed Honours and MA Dissertations at Monash University




Jonathan Major Seeds of Anger: The Hussein/McMahon Correspondence, Palestine and Post-Islamist Terrorism MA Major
Sinem Doyran (Re)presenting Islam: A Critical Analysis of Australian Discourses after 9/11 MA Major
Reem Hakem For Love of Islam or Nation? The Shaping of Multi-Identity for Muslims in the West MA Minor
Damien Lewis The Significance of Cyber Terrorism: A Case Study of Stuxnet MA Minor
Nicholas Newland The Conquering Charismatics: Charismatic Leadership and Dynastic Rule in Postcolonial South Asia Honours
Nicholas Burris Islam and the Dynamics of Global Politics: Contextualizing the Radicalization of Lal Masjid, Pakistan Honours
Arthur Lau The Kashmir Conflict: Media’s Portrayal Before and After 9/11 Honours